Use TC to evaluate three independent products

McColl, K. A., et al. (2014). “Extended triple collocation: Estimating errors and correlation coefficients with respect to an unknown target.” Geophysical Research Letters 41(17): 6229-6236.

ETC is performed in this study to fomularize correlation coefficient, and also decomposed errors into independent products to investigate the error caused by each pair. The author also demonstrated that MTC is more appropriate in rainfall uncertainty estimation.

Massari, C., et al. (2017). “An assessment of the performance of global rainfall estimates without ground-based observations.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21(9): 4347-4361.

It compared multiple satellite products from SM2RAIN, and illustrated it can facilitate TC method as an additional source. It further extends TC to a global scale.

Li, C., et al. (2018). “Cross-evaluation of ground-based, multi-satellite and reanalysis precipitation products: Applicability of the Triple Collocation method across Mainland China.” Journal of Hydrology 562: 71-83.

The author evaluated the performance of multiple satellites and global gauge products, validated TC method in southern region of China to prove the applicability. And eventually they applied TC in gauge-free regions e.g. Tibet to show which product is more reliable.

Stoffelen, A. (1998). “Toward the true near-surface wind speed: Error modeling and calibration using triple collocation.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 103(C4): 7755-7766.

First TC method applied to estimate surface wind speed. Linear transformation of random error.

Gentemann, C. L. (2014). “Three way validation of MODIS and AMSR-E sea surface temperatures.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119: 2583-2598.

TC method applied to sea surface temperatures

Alemohammad, S. H., et al. (2015). “Characterization of precipitation product errors across the United States using multiplicative triple collocation.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19(8): 3489-3503.

The author validated the appropriateness of MTC to ATC in rainfall error estimation, and transformed logarithmic error back to linear domain by Tayler expansion.

Use TC for error correction

An improved approach for estimating observation and model error parameters in soil moisture data assimilation

The author described using TC derived RMSE to update Kalman filter.